Sunday 27 January 2008

Eye drops for AMD

Doctors in Texas are testing two new eye drops to treat wet and dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Data from clinical trials will reveal whether the drops are effective within two years.

The wet AMD drops - called TG100801 - is designed to block new blood vessel growth and leakiness and reduce inflammation.

The dry AMD drops, known as Hydergine, is like an antioxidant or an "eye vitamin". The drops are used four times a day.

The drops are not available to the public yet. But doctors in the study say they're hopeful. Click
here to read more and here to watch a video of a patient who is trying out the drops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great news for AMD sufferers like us. Many thanks to Webmaster Peh Shing Huei for keeping us up to date.